SEOUL 2009

germany's architecture - a voyage in diverse scales

Vom 8. bis zum 24 Oktober 2009 unternimmt Seoul „eine Reise durch die deutsche Architekturlandschaft“.

Zur „Seoul Design Olympia de 2009“ präsentieren die Deutsche Botschaft in Seoul und NAX – Netzwerk Architekturexport der Bundesarchitektenkammer eine Auswahl deutscher Architekten und deren Projekte.
Ausstellungsort ist die Platoon Kunsthalle in Seoul.

Weitere Informationen: Flyer - Pressetext - PLATTON.REPORT

architecture deals with creative design of urban space. architectural concepts, once they are realized, become a part of a city itself. on a smaller scale the same is true for PLATOON KUNSTHALLE, where the concept of shipping containers as icons for a globalized culture becomes an inherent part of the building. but there are fundamental local differences in which role architecture plays for the (trans-)formation of a city, like construction regulations or the meaning of public space.
as part of the seoul design olympiad 2009, this exhibtion, organized by the german embassy in seoul and NAX – network for architecture exchange of the federal chamber of german architects – presents a selection of german architects and their works. the exhibition is divided into three parts and presents a crosssection through the diverse scales of contemporary architecture.

part A – NAX paten (NAX support group)

part B – “da! architecture in and from berlin”
the chamber of berlin architects presents a broad range of
selected architecture. 63 current projects are arranged in the
categories residential buildings, buildings for offices and trade,
public buildings and landscaping.

part C – “master builders – german architects worldwide”

RAUMLABOR Haus Liane Kunsthochschule Kassel - Arne Amtsfeld, Sebastian Däschle, Tobias Juretzek, Christof Schmidt, Liane Sorg, Christian Poppel. Grafik: Manuela Greipel, Tobias Rehn, Katharina Wittmann. Fotografie: Sabine Bielmeier.